Carata is located where the road ends and Corcovado National Park begins. The closer you get to Carate the narrower and bumpier the road gets. This route, which includes some river crossings, is something for off-road enthusiasts. But tourists who have an off-road rental car shouldn't be frightened, but be prepared for a bumpy ride.
With a regular sedan you should not try it, especially not in the rainy season. The staff in the hotels in Puerto Jimenez usually are very helpful when you call them for information on the road conditions. Some people think it is an impertinence, that many access roads to touristy locations in Costa Rica are not paved. In many places the residents intentionally want that the roads stay like they are, it is a natural protection against a massive tourist invasion.If the road to the Peninsula de Osa would be easily accessible then nature and biodiversity would suffer.
Those that feel the journey by off-road vehicle is to strenuous should consider flying to the Peninsula de Osa or taking a boat from Serape. Carate is located in an area with heavy precipitation, visitors should take rain gear and fast drying clothing with them. Sometimes it is difficult to dry cloth because of the high humidity.
Besides insect repellant, tourists should take a mosquito net with them, but most of the accommodations can provide that.