You can divide the 19725 square miles covering Costa Rica into 3 regions: the Caribbean coast, the pacific coast and the inland. The Caribbean exists of swamp lands in the south and sand beaches in the north. Altogether this coast, that runs from the Nicaraguan boarder to the Panamanian border is only 200 kilometers long. The mountainous back-country elevates up to a height of 3800 meters (12467 feet).
The pacific coast is with 1200 kilometers significantly longer than the Caribbean coast. Touristic interesting locations can be found at both coasts and in the inland. Possibilities for sport fishing, surfing, scuba diving, horse riding or just sunbathing are given on both coasts as well. Sometimes it is the best to male the decision on where to go depending on the time of the year. Costa Rica is a country that can be visited al year long if the traveler acts relating to the climatic circumstances.