Although many tourists pass through Orotina on their way to Jaco, it is still an undeveloped tourist town. On the roadside one can buy typical crafts, this is a good opportunity to buy a souvenir.
In the center of Orotina, opposite the village church, sits a shadowy park. The old railroad, which goes from San Jose to Caldera, passes directly through Orotina. There is a small train station in town. A few years ago the railroad was reactivated and now runs on the weekends. A train ride is an attraction among the Costa Ricans, many older Ticos still remember the train to the pacific before it was shut down. Younger people in Costa Rica have never ridden on a train, especially the kids love it.
Since the new road from San Jose to Puerto Caldera has been finished, less people stop in Orotina for fresh fruits or other supplies. The road has reduced the driving time from San Jose to Orotina significantly. Many real estate agents increased their prices for lots and houses, arguing that Orotina is a major hub and fast to reach from San Jose.
Another attraction is the weekend market. People come all the way from San Jose to buy in the market hall in Orotina. This is a nice place to visit a real Cost Rican market! In this rural town visitors are always welcome! The Mangos from Orotina are very tasty!